Dana Lince and Michael Guthrie entering the Live and Let’s Dance Ball
Rob Spade
In an effort to make each dance memorable, the Cotillion Dance Club creates themes and encourages members to dress and act the part. As you can see from the photo taken upon entry to the Live and Let’s Dance Ball, Dana and Michael really look like a couple starring in your favorite ‘James Bond’ movie. This kind of participation really enhances the excitement and fun for everyone in attendance. What a great pose! I want to thank everyone who serves the club in providing the ideas and effort required to make each dinner dance special.
We are looking forward to the special meal being planned for the Get a Spring in Your Step dinner dance on Saturday, April 9. This is a semi-formal affair where gentlemen wear a suit and tie while the ladies are adorned in cocktail dress attire. The first course for the upcoming April dinner will be Lettuce with Exotic Fruit Salad – Truffle Honey Glazed Grilled Baby African Pineapple, Trimmed Baby Red and Green Oak Lettuce, Strawberry and Roquefort Stuffed Rambutan with Star-fruit Vinaigrette and Edible Snapdragon Floral. Sort of shouts “spring is here” doesn’t it? The Rich Howard Orchestra will be providing our music for this dance. You don’t want to miss the last production in the 2015/2016 Season. Registration opens in the Oakwood Ballroom at 5:45 p.m., cocktail service begins at 6:00 p.m., dinner service begins at 6:45 p.m. and live music at 7:00 p.m. The full menu can be viewed on our website. Guest seating is limited for this dance.
We are excited to be offering group dance lessons to members and their guests this season. The next group dance lesson is scheduled for 10:00 a.m.-noon in the Oakwood Ballroom on Thursday, April 7. The featured dance step will be the Tango. The fee is $10 per couple; pay at the door. See our website for more information. Guests are welcome.
If you are interested in becoming a member or attending a dance as a guest of the club please call, text or email us. Our website is smart-phone and tablet friendly. Registered users can use the website to maintain their contact information, provide feedback, see announcements, view information about orchestras and connect to our event calendar. Lots more information is available to you on the website. If you need technical help please call, text or email us.
Contact information:
Phone or text the club at (602) 529-6829
Make checks payable to Cotillion Dance Club
Send mail to Cotillion Dance Club, P.O. Box 13153, Chandler, AZ 85248
Send emails to [email protected]
Visit our website at www.cotilliondanceclubaz.com