Barbara Hugus, Gila Butte Regent
Under the guidance of Regent Barbara Hugus, Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) served as host chapter for Arizona DAR’s 114th State Conference, providing the support to actualize the four-day event in Scottsdale. The chapter staffed the registration desk and furnished registration packets with customized notepads and pens, plus a gold dragonfly bookmark in honor of the State Regent’s dragonfly symbol.
Handmade table favors accompanied all the meals, and a floral conservatory with flickering dragonflies greeted guests at the Gala Banquet. A six-foot garden dragonfly was prominently displayed in the conference center; created by Mary Knape from fan blades, and hand-painted in stars and stripes, the winged guardian was presented to Gillian Morse, State Regent, for her Sun Lakes garden.
At the awards dinner, Sun Lakes’ own Chordaires Ambassadors entertained an enthusiastic audience with a lively program of Broadway hits. The next evening, after providing music for the pre-banquet party, the Ahwatukee Brass set the stage for the presentation of DAR Debutantes at the Gala Banquet, with a stirring rendition of The National Hymn as the processional. Natalie Wolf made her debut to the State Society. Bespoke flutes, engraved for the event and used in the sparkling cider toast, were keepsakes for attendees.
Guest speaker Sharon Withers, Registrar General of the National Society DAR, spoke on the future of genealogy in the DNA era, and announced a groundbreaking DNA project in association with Family Tree. DAR began accepting DNA as lineage evidence in 2014, and in spring of 2016, the first member using DNA as a piece of the evidence was accepted into the Society. In addition to her DAR service and membership in 24 lineage societies, Mrs. Withers is a Master Technologist, Special Hematology University of Kentucky Hospital.
Interested women over 18 who can prove direct bloodline lineage to a patriot of the American Revolution are invited to call 602-430-6048 or go to the Gila Butte chapter website gilabutte.arizonadar.org for membership information. Research assistance is available.