Pictured left to right Lesley Baran, Merv Hedding, Barbara Hugus and Gordon Lynch
Toni Bolling Lutter
The January program for Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) was “O Britain, O America: The Divergent Years” presented by Merv Hedding and Gordon Lynch. Using letters, historic documents and press reports, the presenters described events leading up to the Revolutionary War.
Significant events preceding the Revolution included the French and Indian War and the Stamp Act. Britain sustained significant financial drain during the French and Indian War. To pay for the war and for the cost of increased numbers of British troops to protect the Colonies, Britain enacted the Stamp Act, the first tax directly on the American Colonies. Angry Americans began to protest taxation without representation.
The Stamp Act was quickly repealed, but the Colonies were on the road to Concord and Lexington in 1775 and to the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Hedding and Lynch are Sun Lakes residents and members of Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). SAR is the leading male lineage society that perpetuates the ideals of the war for independence, with several chapters in the area and around Arizona.
Gila Butte DAR meets in Sun Lakes and each program supports a DAR objective of history, education and patriotism. Membership is open to any woman over 18 who can trace her bloodline lineage to a patriot of the American Revolution. Patriot includes military service, but there are many other eligible services which supported the fledgling nation. Genealogical assistance is available. For membership information call 602-430-6048 or go to the Gila Butte chapter website at agilabutte.arizonadar.org.