Deborah Goodacre
The Gila Butte Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is in full swing with our mid-September meeting featuring a Committee Fair. DAR performs community, national, and international services through numerous committees. Our members will have the opportunity to join in the work and fun.
In October, we celebrate the American Heritage show and tell. Our members will gain a deeper knowledge of the talents of those who participate in national DAR contests. I am in favor of any event that allows members to know each other better through our craft and writing talents. Oct. 11 is our National Day of Service, an activity that commemorates the founding of DAR.
In November, our focus will be the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We hope to bring facts and information you may not have known about this sacred memorial in Arlington National Cemetery.
In December, we have our annual Christmas social event with some surprises in store, so I’m told. Members may choose to dress in holiday apparel for this event and share the opportunity for gaiety and laughter.
January 2022 is all about scholarships. Yes, a portion of the money we’ve raised during the past year will go to support deserving high school seniors as they prepare to enter college. Two scholarships of $1,000 each are available. We also give Junior ROTC and Good Citizen monetary awards and awards to students in grades 5 through 8 for writing a historical essay.
February is the month where we will feature a flag retirement ceremony. So far, our chapter has collected more than 100 American flags which will be retired according to military rules and regulations. The surrounding community will be invited to attend and participate so we may all understand this solemn activity and honor our country.
March is our annual business meeting. Officers for the upcoming administration will be elected for the 2022-24 term, together with presentation of the upcoming two-year budget and finance reports. It could well be described as our housekeeping meeting.
At our April meeting, Spring Fling, a happy and exciting event, elected officers for the new year will be installed. A silent auction will be held to raise funds for the incoming administration. We will honor Nancy Cooney as she retires after her two-year term as chapter regent.
Over the next few months, I will continue with the Spotlight feature of our chapter members in the Sun Lakes Splash. We have an interesting and diverse chapter, and we welcome all of you to get to know us better. If you want more information about DAR, please contact us, and we will be happy to meet with you and share more about this wonderful organization, the fascinating women who are the backbone of it, and how we support our veterans, historical preservation, and education. I’d like to say welcome back to all the snowbirds—we’ve been waiting for you to return! For more information, please contact Pennie Bonnett at or call 602-418-8908.