Prospective new member Donna Wisyanski and Membership Chair Pennie Bonnett
Deborah Goodacre
Sometimes we have to talk business! The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution tenets include service, historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Let’s talk education for a few minutes. Many people do not know that various scholarships are available to students through the state and national committees. National endowments from wills and trusts fund student scholarships. Getting the word out to schools is a location-by-location effort by Linda Day, State and National Chair for the Gila Butte Chapter DAR Arizona; and Patricia O’Neill, State and National Chair Advisor. In three days, Linda and Patricia visited a total of 16 schools in Maricopa County to be sure that the career counselors had the information available for their students. Hard workers, those two ladies! So, please don’t hesitate. Visit your school career counselor now. They have the information and details for making an application.
DAR offers scholarships for graduating high school seniors, college students, and graduate students in varied areas of study. I will list a few areas that a student may pursue and, therefore, apply for a scholarship: history, economics, law, political science, medical, nursing, occupational and physical therapy, elementary education, chemistry, math, science, English, government, and business.
The last day to submit an application for national scholarships is Jan. 31, so there is still time to investigate and take advantage of the money available. The state scholarship deadline is Feb. 1. Applicants are welcome to apply for both state and national funds. DAR Scholarships are awarded and judged without regard to gender, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability. One does not need to have a DAR member sponsor. Applicants must be citizens of the United States and attend an accredited college or university or technical college in the United States. Note that many applicants are planning to participate in technical colleges.
For national scholarships up to $5,000, go to www.dar.org/national-society/scholarships.
For state scholarships up to $1,000, go to www.arizonadar.org.
Through chapter funds, the Gila Butte Chapter NSDAR also supports and offers a DAR Good Citizen Award and scholarship contests to several local high schools. There are many other scholarships, too! With the holidays coming up, now is the time to meet with your school career counselor and begin the process of applying.
On a different note: Our membership is growing! Currently, our registrar is working on four new applications. The word is circulating about DAR! In 2022, I hope to keep you intrigued with the monthly Splash articles. I will share historical information and, of course, highlight members in “Spotlight.” For more membership information, please contact Pennie Bonnett at [email protected] or call 602-418-8908.