Acrylic painting by artist Duane Papke
Sue Sindelar
Welcome to April here in the desert. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing and building nests, and the sun continues shining brightly, calling us humans outside to partake in all of spring’s unfolding glory. Another wonderful month of moderate weather seems to invite us all to savor the beauty and nudge us to pick up our brushes and begin a new painting. So, open this gift from nature and begin anew, or continue on your journey of artistic expression and finish a painting or project you have started.
The Desert Artists Club (DAC) was created decades ago to promote good fellowship, cooperation, and development among artists and those interested in the visual arts. It is meant to be a support group for artists using different mediums: oil, acrylics, watercolors, pencils, pastels, charcoal, pen and ink, and other mediums you create.
The DAC meets each Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Ceramics Room (A-8) in Cottonwood. We come together to be with other artists and work on our own projects. We bring our own supplies and work in our own preferred mediums. We are a casual club with no dues or regular meetings. We have social gatherings several times throughout the year and include “Sharing Your Art,” which is always fun and inspiring. Any artist or inspiring artist within the Sun Lakes’ three HOAs may join. We have beginning artists, accomplished artists, and every kind in between, so there is a place for everyone.
If you are new to Sun Lakes or wish to just come and see what we are all about, stop in some Tuesday and check out our group. The best time is between 3 and 4:30 p.m. Feel free to ask questions and see if this might be a fit for you. You may also contact me, Sue Sindelar, at [email protected] or call and leave a message at 480-745-2198 for further information. I will get back to you.