Sue Sindelar
Desert artists welcome February as we look forward to growing our artistic talents together. This month seems to have some of the best weather for us here in Arizona’s Valley, and being outside, we enjoy taking in nature’s glorious gifts. We enjoy seeing snowcapped mountains in our travels or on the news, but most of us are just glad we don’t have to shovel or drive those slippery slopes anymore.
The Desert Artists Club (DAC) meets each Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Ceramics Room (A-8) in Cottonwood. We come together to be with other artists and work on our own art projects. Each artist brings their own supplies and works in their own medium, some of which are watercolor, acrylic, oils, charcoal, pen and ink, mixed media, colored pencils, and you name it. We are a casual club with no meetings or dues. Artists come to create in a supportive atmosphere, inspiring each other by their love of art. It is fun and encouraging to create together. Any artist in the three HOAs of Sun Lakes may join. We have social times on occasion and Share Your Art gatherings. We are planning on a few demos by fellow artists this spring.
Art at the Lakes is an annual event in March, so look for notices in the Splash for details. This has always been a fun experience. If you are new to Sun Lakes or wish to come and see what we are all about, feel free to stop in on Tuesday and check out our group of artists. The best time is between 3 and 5 p.m. We can answer your questions and you can see if this might be a fit for you. You may also contact me, Sue Sindelar, at [email protected] or call and leave a message at 480-745-2198 with additional questions.