Watercolor painting by member artist Jill Gianino
Sue Sindelar
Summer is in full heat, and sometimes even the birds want to run or fly away and hibernate, but not the members of the Desert Artists Club (DAC) of Sun Lakes. We meet all year, including summers. We invite any artist to join us each Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m., in the Cottonwood Ceramics Room (A-8) to work on their art projects in a cool and fun environment. Sometimes getting out of the house or our daily routines and bringing just what we need to get started on something or work on an existing painting brightens our day or week. Come and page through some of our books and magazines for inspiration if you can’t decide what to do.
We are a group of artists who come together to support each other, and we appreciate and accept diverse styles. Our artists use a variety of mediums, from oil, watercolors, acrylic, pencil, pastels, pen and ink, charcoal, and mixed media. Members come and try new methods, and it often invites others to try something different. This club may be just what you need to have a wonderful summer that will have you looking forward to Tuesday afternoons.
The DAC is a casual club with no dues or regular meetings. We have artists of all abilities, from beginners to advanced and everything in-between. Come and create for an hour or for three. It is on your time and schedule. We have fun social gatherings throughout the year. We have Share Your Art where members bring a few favorite works of art to display while we snack on wholesome and sometimes decadent treats.
If you are a resident of Sun Lakes and live in one of the three HOAs, you are eligible to join. Feel free to stop in any Tuesday between 3 and 5 p.m. (best time) and see what we are about. We can answer any questions you may have. You may also contact me for further information at [email protected] or call me and leave a message at 480-745-2198. People stop in frequently when walking by the room, so don’t hesitate to pop in and say hello.