A few of the Desert Threads leaders for 2022-23 (left to right): Pam Matassarin, Jody Edwards, Marion Kersnick, Pat Sinclair, Vicki Jones, and Kathy Norton. We would love to have others join our quilt group.
Sue Bart
Happy summer, everyone. This is the time when many members leave the Valley of the Sun for cooler climates to visit family and friends, travel, or just relax. The Desert Threads quilters will not hold formal meetings during the summer. We resume meeting on Sept. 14 in the Cottonwood Phoenix Room at 9:30 a.m. Informal activities will be organized over the summer for those who want to join the fun. Members will receive email messages when informal events are organized. Members will be gathering to sew together, create kits for charity “cuddle quilts” and personal tote bags, and doing some “Shop Hops” (carpooling to some distant quilt shops). It’s time to renew dues or become a member.
At the May meeting new officers were elected to serve for our next year, ending June 30, 2023. Our new president is Vicki Jones, and our new secretary is Katy Clements. Pat Sinclair (vice president), Ann Wasescha (treasurer), and Cindy Templeton and Mary Platt (programs) will continue for a second year in their positions. Marion Kersnick will serve as past president to provide continuity for the new officers. Many of the committee coordinators will continue their functions. We also approved a budget for the 2022-23 year.
Jody Edwards has plans to continue community service projects, holding sew days to create kits and getting together. Finished items will be collected, then distributed when we resume in September. There are open sewing days at the IronOaks Sewing Room every month on following days: first Wednesday from noon to 6 p.m., second Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m., second Wednesday from noon to 6 p.m., and third Monday “all day,” from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will also have use of the classroom at 35th Avenue Sew and Vac in Chandler for gathering together on the third Thursdays. Sign up for their newsletter, which has coupons for discounts at this local quilt store. Join quilting friends at any of these times for an opportunity to sew and socialize, exchange ideas, and get inspired. Invite others who might not be members yet to join you.
Desert Threads is a chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild (AQG), which has chapters around the state. They provide free lectures and low-fee classes for members via Zoom virtual platform. These are excellent opportunities to learn the latest ideas in quilting from teachers around the world. Join the AQG at their website www.arizonaquiltersguild.org, and then join Desert Threads to meet with local quilters from Sun Lakes and the surrounding area. For information about Desert Threads, send an email to [email protected].