Drive-Thru Prayer: Stay in Your Car and Come as You Are

With so many drive-thru conveniences (drive-thru banking, drive-thru pharmacies, and drive-thru fast-food restaurants), why not drive-thru prayer? Is that such a stretch? First Baptist Church Sun Lakes (FBCSL) held its first weekly Drive-Thru Prayer (DTP) on April 8.

The idea is to catch those early commuters going to work, just coming from work, or the stressed mom or dad on their way home from dropping the kids off at school. We offer a smile and prayer on a first-name basis only, and participants never leave the safety of their vehicle.

Dobson and Riggs (where the church is located) is a busy street, the perfect place to reach out to those in our community who might be suffering or to those who are weary and in need of comfort, or those who come to celebrate the birth of a newborn grandchild, and still others seeking prayers for job searches and any other need one may bring for prayer.

The church parking lot is an easy place to reach out to the community to let people know they matter. Someone cares who will pray for them. Prayer Warriors meet and greet all drive-throughs with a warm smile and a simple question: “How can we pray for you today?”

According to Pastor Steve Foss, “Our first Drive-Thru Prayer effort was a tremendous success! We were affirmed by many drivers who gave us the thumbs-up and horns honking in positive accord, as well as those who drove through seeking intercession for their illnesses, troubles, and anxieties. In our prayers, we connect people’s problems to God’s power.”

DTP is a weekly ministry effort, and anyone is welcome to drive up and share the burden or joys on their heart. There will be a special Drive-Thru Prayer on Thursday, May 2, from 7 to 8 a.m., which is the National Day of Prayer.

All prayer requests are confidential. If you have a specific need, or know someone who does, there will be intercessors every Monday morning to pray. It’s fast, it’s convenient, and you don’t have to get out of your car.