Garden Club members at Berridge Nursery (photo by Starla Kramer)
The Sun Lakes Garden Club has been having lots of adventures! Thirty members enjoyed a field trip to Berridge Nursery to see the holiday displays in their huge greenhouse. The second field trip was to Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Ariz.
On Dec. 6 members will have a complete holiday dinner, games, and Dickens Carolers for their members-only Holiday Party. Visitors are always welcome to attend a meeting or field trip before deciding to join. Members with no previous gardening experience are welcome and are not required to live in Sun Lakes.
Meetings are held every month (including summer) on the third Tuesday. Attendees gather at 9:30 a.m. to socialize and enjoy refreshments and coffee. During this first half hour, we greet visitors and check out gardening books from our reference library and purchase any raffle tickets. There is also a “Free Stuff” table where members donate citrus or herbs or plants for other members. The meeting is called to order at 10 a.m. The meeting ends at approximately 11:45 a.m., and members and visitors often go across the street to the clubhouse for lunch afterward.
Check out our monthly “Newsletters” and “Membership” options to join the club on our website, SunLakesGardenClub.org. The meeting location is the Chapel Center (house next door to Sun Lakes All Faiths Community Church, and across the street from the Sun Lakes Country Club), at 9230 E. Sun Lakes Blvd. N., in Sun Lakes.