Jan’s Golden Goalies winnings might buy a cup of coffee.
Jan Bobbett
Jan is feeling rich today because she won the contents of the piggy pot. It was huge, by Golden Goalie standards — $2.65 to be precise. Let’s be happy for her.
On the other hand, scoring any large booty from the piggy pot is bad for members, and here’s why: When a Goalie gains weight between the previous weigh-in and the current weigh-in, she deposits loose change into Miss Piggy.
I say it’s bad news, because a lot of cash in the piggy pot could be a sign that members’ weight is moving in the wrong direction. Big piggy pot = more weight gain. But, fortunately for the group, what Jan won represents a larger-than-usual weight gain. Compare the $2.65 with the 30 cents Debbie won last week and with the average piggy pot amount of $1.60, according to our secretary Jeanne.
No worries, though, for two reasons: 1) The piggy pot does not take into consideration the pounds LOST, which amounts to more than the number of pounds gained; and 2) At Golden Goalies, members look at the big picture — the long haul. Whether one gains two-tenths of a pound or two pounds, it is weight at a single point in time. Whatever was gained can be lost, as can additional unwanted pounds. Goalies understand that gaining one week usually means that the gain will be followed by weight loss.
That’s why Goalies focus on encouragement. It’s a positive approach to weight loss and maintenance. It might also explain why we’re not embarrassed to state each week at rollcall whether we gained or lost. Bumps in the road? That’s life.
Join us for support, motivation, shared wisdom and some good laughs. Weigh-in is Saturday from 7:00 to 7:40 a.m. in Room A-8, near the Cottonwood library. The meeting starts after weigh-in. Contact Rita at 895-2559 for more information.