Renee Greene of Built By Referral prepares dessert plates for guests of the 2023 Realtors Who Care/Neighbors Who Care Harvest Luncheon. (Photo by Sheryl Keeme, NWC Executive Director)
On Oct. 11 a group of Neighbors Who Care (NWC) clients were treated to a Harvest Luncheon thanks to the generosity of a group of Sun Lakes community realtors from 20 or more companies, Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, and Culver’s. Sun Lakes United Methodist Church hosted the group, and Culver’s supplied the chili and chicken noodle soup.
More than 30 clients of Neighbors Who Care were treated to a chili and sandwich luncheon, pumpkin pie, Halloween candy, and a rousing game of Halloween Bingo. With the temperatures soaring this past summer, many did not get out of the house much. With a little planning and transportation, a fun time happened to brighten the crowd and offer some socialization with one another.
Special thanks to the Realtors Who Care for being the fuel behind the social luncheons for NWC clients!