Warren Wasescha
Talk to anyone in the Sun Lakes Hiking Club and, undoubtedly, they have a favorite hike. With hundreds of different hikes the club has led over the years, there are a lot of good choices to consider. The hardest part of this exercise, however, is to narrow it down to one or two favorite hikes. And we all have them.
With only two months before our hiking season starts up again, the hike coordinators for Mellow, Moderate, and Motivated hikes are all starting the planning process for our upcoming hiking season. You can help by letting us know your favorites, or at least, the hikes you want to make sure are on the list for this season.
If you are a Mellow hiker, drop a note to Ginny Metz via Meetup. If you are a Moderate hiker, let David Coffmann know. And if you enjoy the Motivated hikes, drop me a line. We will definitely try to get these favorite hikes into the schedule for this season. And if you want to lead one of the hikes offered, even better! Let us know that, too. In a volunteer organization, it always helps to have others helping out with leading a few hikes.
At a neighborhood backyard BBQ here in Minnesota the other day, the subject of getting away to Arizona in the winter came up. Unbeknownst to me, five couples all had plans to spend at least one month in Arizona. Top on their list to do? Hiking! Well, at least that was the case for two of the couples! As a result of our conversation, we quickly made plans to do a few of the favorite hikes on my list with them while they are here. Can’t wait!
Like the idea of hiking and socializing with others? Find out more about our club by searching “Sun Lakes Hiking Club” in your web browser and visit our Meetup site to see descriptions and pictures of the hikes the club has done in the past, and learn more about our club. We are a friendly, inclusive group that welcomes all able-bodied hiking enthusiasts.
The club hikes November through April, but off-calendar hikes happen throughout the year. Contact Stu Frost at LgFrosty1@gmail.com for more details if you are interested.
Have questions about our club not found on our Meetup website? Please contact our president DeEtte Faith at df4faiths@yahoo.com for more information.
And don’t forget to let our hike coordinators know of your favorite hikes!