The next oil sharing will be on June 5, 2019, the first Wednesday, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. We will be making a refreshing spritzer for you to use after you walk the dog, tend to the garden or just returning from outside activities and you want to feel rejuvenated. If you are staying here through the summer heat, you will be grateful to have this spritzer, as just going from the car to the store, one can work up a sweat.
We use Young Living Oils which, in our opinions, is the best. The company owns most of the fields and herb farms and partners with other growers to get the best available. The company has control of all aspects of the oils which is called Seed to Seal.
We have used this recipe before. Shelley will bring the bottles and oils. If you want to make a spritzer, it will be $15.00. If you want to come and listen and talk to people, you can come free. Shelley has been using these oils for over 10 years, and she has many stories and can suggest an oil or blend for your situation. You will have fun hearing the different stories people have using these oils. Some of the oils can be used on dogs and cats. There is an Animal Scents Care Collection which includes treats, ointments, shampoo and others. We have not delved into the products for wellness such as Agilease for joint heath and Mindwise which supports normal brain and heart function. Let us know if you want additional products or information, and we will bring it on June 5.
Be sure to RSVP so we can have enough products.
The sharing is in the SunBird Golf Resort located at 6250 SunBird Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249, on the upper floor in the Navajo Room. When you enter the clubhouse, you are on the ground floor. Call Paullene at 602-292-7858 or Shelley Zavarella at 315-521-0451 (you can text on these phones) or email [email protected] or Shelley Zavarella at [email protected].