Hearing loss, hearing aids and hearing loops


Juliette Sterkens, audiologist and HLAA’s hearing loop advocate and specialist, will share why hearing loops and hearing assistive technology are needed – even if using the latest hearing aids or cochlear implants. How do hearing loops perform? How do we get the most from our telecoil program? Come to this lively presentation to gather information and handouts to share with your audiologist, places of worship and favorite venues as we advocate for loop technology.

The presentation will be on Thursday, March 14, 2019, from 12:45 to 2:30 p.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, Classroom 1, 9248 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248.

You are not alone! If you, a family member or a friend is challenged by hearing loss, please come and join us for education, sharing and refreshments. All are welcome. You owe it to yourself! CART (real-time captioning) is provided, and our meeting room is looped.

For additional information, contact Liz Booth at [email protected], Regina Milgroom at [email protected] or Ron Tallman at [email protected].