Warren Wasescha
We are one month away from the start of our upcoming hiking season, and if you are new to hiking or a member interested in the latest information on our upcoming hiking season, please stop by at one of our two Open Houses this October.
The first Open House is scheduled for Oct. 9 from 9 a.m. to noon in Cottonwood. A follow-up Open House is scheduled for Oct. 19 from noon to 3 p.m. in IronOaks. The club will have a table at both events to answer any questions members and potential new members may have.
A “Welcome Back” event for existing members is scheduled for Nov. 5 from noon to 2 p.m. at the Oasis Ramada in Sun Lakes Country Club. Awards from last year’s hiking season will be presented, along with a review of events for this year’s hiking season. New members are welcome to attend.
The Phoenix Room, where we hold our monthly meetings, is in the process of a renovation, and we are currently in search of an interim meeting location. Our first meeting is in December, and details on our interim location will be communicated next month or during one of our Open Houses.
COVID-19 continues to be a wild card in terms of how current guidance might impact the ways we conduct our activities and hiking protocols. The club is monitoring the situation and will formalize shortly how we will handle such things as carpooling, social distancing on the trails, etc., this season, as we did last year. Stay tuned for further details.
Interested in hiking with us? Check out our website at meetup.com/sun-lakes-hiking-club to view the latest descriptions and times of our hikes. We hike Mondays and Wednesdays of each week from November through April.
If you want a great way to enjoy nature with others while seeing parts of the Valley and beyond that you might not get to see otherwise, come join our club. We are a friendly, inclusive group that welcomes all able-bodied hiking enthusiasts!
Still have questions not answered above or on our Meetup site? Please reach out to our president DeEtte Faith at df4faiths@yahoo.com.