Marcella Brown
Slowly but surely Thursday league numbers are rising as members return from vacations or summers in cooler climates.
Fall events are all in the planning stages. Member/Guest day is November 12. It is a 10:00 a.m. shotgun followed by lunch. With a theme of Wine-stone Cowgirl, let your imagination roll! See the website for more details and line up your partner for a fun event.
The nominating committee has nominated the following members to serve as ILGA’s elected officers in 2016.
President Betty Schecht
Vice-President Joan Hiller
Secretary Linda Meylink
Treasurer Fay McIntyre
The election will be held at the November 5 business meeting/luncheon and the installation will be held at the December 3 business meeting/luncheon.
Plenty of socializing and reacquainting will certainly accompany the business side of our organization so do plan to attend.