I’m in Great Shape! How About You?

Roger Bonnard

There’s really nothing wrong with me.

I’m as healthy as can be.

I have arthritis in my spine and in both knees.

I talk a little slow and with a funny wheeze.

My heart’s a little weak and my blood’s a little thin,

But, Gee, I’m great for the shape I’m in!

Some of my teeth had to come out.

My diet hasn’t been good which I don’t think about.

I’m overweight and I can’t seem to get thin.

But, Gee, I’m great for the shape I’m in!

I use leg and arch supports to help my feet,

Or I couldn’t walk down our Sun Lakes’ streets.

My sleep could be much better, night after night,

But still every morning, I find I’m all right.

My memory’s failing, my thoughts are sometimes in a spin,

But, Gee, I’m great for the shape I’m in!

There is a positive moral as my poem unfolds,

That is for you and me who are growing old,

To make people’s lives happier when we say, “I’m Great!” with a grin,

Than to share with others the shape we’re really in.

I’m in Great Shape! How About You?