Sharma Goodwin On Dec. 23, 2021, Sue Pederson got her first hole-in-one! What a great Christmas present.
Double Deck Pinochle We play double deck pinochle on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Crafts Room at Phase 1. On Thursdays we play at 6:30 p.m. in the Sewing Room at Oakwood. We welcome all new participants. For more information, please contact Gary Tanghe at 480-495-3119 or Marleen Hinkle at 480-802-9254. Tuesday Results: 1/11.…
Jerry Vance Successful tournaments were held with Springfield on Jan. 22, and with SunBird Tennis Club on Feb. 5. Good play, good food, wonderful people, and everyone enjoying themselves. Thanks to Jerry for the pictures, and to Ed, Dan, and Rina and everyone who pitched in. Although we were supposed to host these events (including…
Judy Onken Sandy Worden is our 2022 Match Play Champion! Champ Worden defeated some of the club’s best players in her march to the top, including Mikki Rydell, Karen Fischer, Paddy Newton, and Kathryn Campbell. The Match Play format proves the adage “never give up.” It’s nice to see good things happen to good people!…
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were lots of jeweler’s benches completely equipped with all of the tools one would need to make beautiful jewelry out of sterling silver right here in Sun Lakes? What? They are already here? Yes, it’s true. And did you know there are three completely separate workshops where you would…
John Yu On March 6 at the San Tan Ballroom, our Sunday Venue will bring you the romantic, hot, and sexy tunes of Latin music. Hug your sweethearts, sway your hips, and give your most passionate tango glares on the floor (but, careful, not at your friend’s partner). Experience the most romantic and passionate rumba…
Board members Nick Dobos, Al Hill, Patricia Hill, Jeff Ingersoll, Jean Mulvey, and Rob Truman and family members gathered at United Food Bank on Saturday, Jan. 29, to help fill food bags for those in need. Nine hundred seventy-five bags were filled with canned goods and dry items (beans, pasta, etc.) while we bopped and…
Debi Loofburrow The Agavé Quilters Guild met on Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 1 p.m. in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club. After a brief business update, our guest speaker Justine Bishop, owner of Modern Quilting in Phoenix, introduced us to the whole idea of Modern Quilting with stunning examples. One quilt that got…
Gary Vacin “Our plan is to build the impossible airplane.” That’s how Jessica Cox described her plans to partner with Van’s Aircraft Company to build an airplane that can be controlled by only the feet. She spoke to an enthusiastic crowd during the Sun Lakes Aero Club’s Jan. 17 gathering at the Sun Lakes Country…