Sharma Goodwin On Dec. 23, 2021, Sue Pederson got her first hole-in-one! What a great Christmas present.
Jerry Vance Successful tournaments were held with Springfield on Jan. 22, and with SunBird Tennis Club on Feb. 5. Good play, good food, wonderful people, and everyone enjoying themselves. Thanks to Jerry for the pictures, and to Ed, Dan, and Rina and everyone who pitched in. Although we were supposed to host these events (including…
Judy Onken Sandy Worden is our 2022 Match Play Champion! Champ Worden defeated some of the club’s best players in her march to the top, including Mikki Rydell, Karen Fischer, Paddy Newton, and Kathryn Campbell. The Match Play format proves the adage “never give up.” It’s nice to see good things happen to good people!…
SLPCC We call it the NIT. That’s short for Norris Invitational Tournament. But it is really short for Norris’s Invitational Tournament. It all started with several sports-minded people interested in getting the newest sport started in the community. Key supporters were Maureen and Dick Norris. Yes, that makes it more than one Norris, so it’s…
Jerry Vance Thanks to everyone who attended the Tennis Club Banquet. Cottonwood did a great job of serving us. The food was appetizing, and it was so good to see everyone and have a chance to socialize. Thanks to Ed for arranging the dinner, Chris for selecting and serving the cake, and Ralph for conducting…
Larry Wolfe A proud “farm boy” from Mantador, N.D., Dave Lingen was the third youngest of eight brothers and one sister. It seems that his parents wanted to ensure they had enough workers for their 3,000-plus acres of farmland where they produced wheat, soybeans, and other grains and raised livestock, primarily to feed the family!…
The Sun Lakes Ladies Pitch and Putt group plays every Thursday morning at the Sun Lakes Country Club short course behind the clubhouse. It is strictly a fun and social get-together with the emphasis on fun—no sticklers for golf rules here! We recently held our annual Valentine’s Day event, where everyone was encouraged to wear…
Four Cottonwood Niners members qualified last year to compete in the 2022 State Medallion Tournament on Jan. 14. Congratulations to Susan Utzinger and Michelle DeBusschere, who took first place in Flight 1, and Patsy Siegismund and Kathy Gardner, who took fifth place in Flight 2. Cottonwood Niners Club Champions for Spring 2022 are Susan Utzinger…
Neighbors Who Care provides much-needed assistance in Sun Lakes and the surrounding communities. Let’s come together and support this organization. Your generosity is truly appreciated. Please join us on Sunday, March 22, for our 1st Annual Grand Slam Tennis Tournament at IronOaks Tennis Club. This charitable event is sponsored by IronOaks, Sun Lakes, Cottonwood Palo…
The Palo Verde Ladies Golf Association (PVLGA) enjoyed their January Scramble and Luncheon on Jan. 18. Our new president Cindy Ryan introduced all the new members and board members. The winners of the scramble were Dolores Allard, Jan Nelson, Wanda Wiggins, and Tracy Thornock. We’ve managed to survive the chilling temperatures of January and look…