Cottonwood Niners News

State Medallion winners (left to right): Kathy Gardner, Patsy Siegismund, Michelle DeBusschere, and Susan Utzinger

Club Champions, net and gross scores: Tracy Thornock and Susan Utzinger

Four Cottonwood Niners members qualified last year to compete in the 2022 State Medallion Tournament on Jan. 14. Congratulations to Susan Utzinger and Michelle DeBusschere, who took first place in Flight 1, and Patsy Siegismund and Kathy Gardner, who took fifth place in Flight 2.

Cottonwood Niners Club Champions for Spring 2022 are Susan Utzinger (gross score winner) and Tracy Thornock (net score winner).

Plans are underway for the annual Member-Guest Day, a four-person scramble on March 24. The theme this year is “Betty White,” with lots of interesting activities at each tee box in addition to golf.

On Feb. 10 regular play was followed by a Valentine Party on the patio with Queen of Hearts games and free drinks. Cottonwood Niners like to have fun before, during, and after golf! With over 100 members, they welcome ladies to join who value friendships as well as golf. For member information, contact [email protected].