IMGA News and Events

Mike Willinger

The Ironwood Golf Course reopened as planned after overseeding on Oct. 10. The next day IMGA scheduled AM/PM events began with “cart path only” play, in effect through the end of October.

Events: The ILGA/IMGA tournament, a fun event with good turnout from both groups, may be scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving. If a date is confirmed, more information will be found on the IMGA website.

The Ryder Cup between IMGA and MOGA is scheduled for Nov. 29 at Ironwood and Dec. 1 at Oakwood. Ironwood will coordinate the event.

IMGA Veterans: IMGA will be acknowledging and honoring our veterans. During league play on Nov. 8, a special photo acknowledgement will be displayed. On Nov. 11 at 9 a.m., our veterans are invited to an informal gathering at the Halley Pool area for coffee and donuts and to swap stories with other IMGA veterans. If you’re an IMGA member and have not been contacted, please email Bruce McCorkle at [email protected].

In Memoriam: This year at our veterans gathering and in our league events, we’ll miss our long-time member and friend to many, Jack Cook. Jack passed away in September. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War. Last year for our November Golfers of the Month in the Splash, he offered up comments that reflected his keen sense of humor and, yet, his commitment to duty. Jack stated, “After choosing Airborne/Ranger School … I questioned that wisdom. Learning skills for civilian life. Like how to sleep standing up in knee-deep water or navigating in darkness through jungle swamps.” You’ll be missed, Jack. Our deepest condolences to Jack’s family on their loss.

Elections: IMGA will be holding elections for the board of directors in December. Positions currently without candidates are vice president and treasurer. If you’re an IMGA member, please give serious consideration to joining either the executive board or as a committee chair. The board meets just once a month. It provides an opportunity to help shape IMGA’s future.

IMGA Board Items: Wayne Karp reported the new website has been launched! The Google platform will offer automation between Google Docs, Google Sheets, etc. Many thanks to Wayne for a great job!

Ross Serold has completed the task of restating the Constitution and By-Laws. The documents will be made available to the members, with a vote for approval on Dec. 6. An e-blast will be sent to all members providing document access and will be posted on the website. A big thanks to Ross on completing this huge task.

Rich Popham reported that he’s working with Wayne Karp to streamline prize committee efforts and is evaluating using Google Sheets, since the website can now seamlessly report results. Rich hopes to “go live” in October.

The Winners Circle:

Oct. 11 – Four-Man Scramble

First place (AM): Mike Scroggins, Dennis Winchell, Dennis Schwehr, Dennis Martin

First place (PM): Joseph Denapoli, Thomas Fleury, Roger Garcia, Joe Rizzi