IronOaks Ladies Pool League: New Season Begins October

As the weather cools down, many of our members return from cooler climates back to our slice of paradise. During the summer months, those who remain all year continue playing informally and use the time to learn a new technique or help others. We actually focus more on fun and find ourselves catching up with each other, eating out more often as a group, and going to local events together. But summer’s coming to an end for us at the end of September.

Soon Oakwood will host an Open House, which allows attendees to ask questions and decide interest. If interested, it’s time to take a test drive of the club. We will participate in this Open House and hope to see you there.

Our typical new member hasn’t played in years, probably didn’t consider themselves “good” when they played, and is somewhat reluctant to join. Hey, we’ve all been there, and what always happens is that our minds and bodies “remember,” just like what happens when you haven’t ridden a bike in a while. Sure, you might be a bit rusty, certainly you’ve forgotten the rules for the games, and you probably don’t have a pool cue. The good news is, it doesn’t matter. We have all levels of expertise in our group and value everyone. We’re not looking for pool sharks, but we are looking for women who would like to add a fun activity to their weekly calendar.

We play from 9:15 to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays, but we’re considering switching to Monday and will vote at the beginning of October. To be eligible to join, you must stay until 11 a.m. to be kind to your partner. If you play golf or pickleball or have some other commitment before 11 a.m., we’ve decided this is not acceptable. However, we all occasionally miss a play day due to a doctor’s appointment, car repair, contractors working at our house, taking a pet to the doctor, etc. These are exceptions to the rule. You also must live in Cottonwood, Palo Verde, Sun Lakes Country Club, Oakwood, or Ironwood to join.

We play in the Oakwood Country Club building on the far left end in the Billiards Room. There are many weights and lengths of cue sticks available for your use. We also tend to go out to lunch together as a group after play on the first Tuesday of the month and on other Tuesdays, if so inclined. There we get to know each other much better, share our opinions of vendors to advise another, enjoy the views out on the restaurant patios (weather permitting), and just relax.

We are a wonderful group of women who care about each other, have fun, help each other out, and usually become good friends. When we play, we start with 15 minutes of practice, then we divide into teams of four by selecting numbers, and then pair up by lagging a ball closest to the rail. The two balls closest are a team, and the two remaining are another team. We play 8-Ball most of the time, 9-Ball maybe once at the end of the time slot, and Cut-Throat rarely. We have copies of the rules to give you, and all of us find ourselves asking others when we don’t remember. It’s not a big deal. Then at 9:30 a.m. we divide into tables and play continuously until 11 a.m.

So, if this sounds like it might work for you, drop by any Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. and join in. I’m sure you’ll love it. Call Judy Wolthausen at 630-728-5937 for more information.