IronOaks Tennis Club Mixed Doubles Tournament Winners

Carole Rockland

Thanks to everyone who participated in the recent IronOaks Tennis Club Mixed Doubles Tournament! Participation was excellent, with 17 teams competing, and spectator support was fantastic.

Winners were as follows:

Flight 1: 1st place: Cathy Coin and Mark Sadosky, 2nd place: Lois Newman and Jack Sanders

Flight 2: 1st place: Karen Tucker and Tom Tucker, 2nd place: Melissa Emery and Arif Khan

Flight 3: 1st place: Kristina Traylor and Tom Crookston, 2nd place: Edith Tanniru and Gary Shedd

Special thanks to Carol Mellinger, Kaipo Simonelli, C.C. Capelouto, and Luana Capponi for providing food throughout the week and serving lunch to over 50 participants and spectators on Saturday.