IronOaks Tennis members host ACP tennis players


Michele Renahan

On Saturday, April 14, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., Coach Kwong Young organized a social play from high school players (boys/girls) from Arizona Preparatory College (ACP), and they were teamed up with an IronOaks tennis member with three rounds of play with different partners. All serving was done on the south side so no one had to serve looking into the sun, and play started at 15-15 to help speed up play.

Afterwards, a group picture was taken before everyone enjoyed the potluck food provided by the tennis members. All had a great time, and all will have a lasting fond memory of this event and are looking forward to continue this fun tradition. BTW… the members really enjoyed it more since they let those young whipper snappers chase down the ball and watched with sheer amazement.