Denise Weibel (left) and Rosanna Nania
Congratulations to our Ironwood Lady Niners members Denise Weibel and Rosanna Nania for coming in second place in the Arizona Golf Association Medallion Tournament. Great job! Way to go! We ladies have been busy swinging those golf clubs, trying to stay warm in the cool weather, but eventually, it has started to warm up to the temperatures we Arizonans know and love.
In February we celebrated Valentine’s Day with a special golf game with our “Partner Valentines,” whether they were husband, friend, son, or daughter. The golf was followed by a luncheon in the Oakwood ballroom where door prizes were drawn and everyone left having enjoyed a good time. Speaking of a good time, our league members are invited to numerous league tournaments within the surrounding areas, and there are always a number of our members who participate in challenging themselves and opening themselves up to new experiences. Those who participate always say how much fun they have, and the prizes are nice, and making new friends is even nicer.
Our Swing for Hope fundraiser was held before we started to play our golf game on March 6. The money was being raised for breast cancer research at the University of Arizona, and the money raised will stay in Arizona.
Our new 2024 Handbook and Directory has been handed out to all our members, and a big thank you goes out to all who work so hard to make it happen (Ann Gavin).
Our annual spring general meeting and Awards Luncheon is being held on April 10 after our golf. Pitch-ins, birdies, ringers, and other accolades will be announced at the luncheon at Poolside in Oakwood.
Remember, there are only three ways to improve your golf game: take lessons, practice constantly, or start cheating.