IWLN news and scores


Nancy Davis, Publicity

On March 14, President Denise Fleshner conducted our General Meeting. Deborah Poropat presented the November/December, 2017, segment of the Ringer Awards to the following ladies (the number in parenthesis is their Ringer Score): Flight 1: Deb Burns (68), Linda Liberti (69), Sandy Krediet (71); Flight 2: Judy Thompson (78), Susan Meer (79), Lorene Roberts (79), Bettie Farr (80); Flight 3: Dianne Severa (76), Barb Johnston (84), Dottie Meade (84), Toni Flanagan (88); and Flight 4: Ann Gavin (83), Judy Frink (89), Mary Swanson (96). Congratulations, Ladies!

Also at the March 14 meeting, Eddie Renio, director of golf, provided a golf pace of play and fixing ball marks refresher for the group. In addition, after adjournment of the meeting, Eddie met the ladies outside on the putting green to demonstrate how to properly repair ball marks. Eddie’s presentation, topics and demonstration were very timely and very helpful. Thank you, Eddie.

Game of the Day: The game of the day on March 21 was “Beat the Pro,” and the score to beat was 33. At our April 11 meeting, Deb Burns presented bag-tags to all of the ladies who “Beat the Pro.” They are Georgeann Bell, Kay Blas, Deb Burns, Linda Breitbach, Colleen Duke, Rachel Enloe, Toni Flanagan, JoAnne Gaudioso, Deborah Greenwood, Karen Groth, Janis Gustafson, Phyllis Heslin, Barbara Johnston, Barbara Klemstine, Linda Liberti, Norma Marsh, Mary Medved, Vicki Mendenhall, Eileen Moberg, Lorene Roberts, Susan Schaeffer, Rosemary Steinfest, Eleanor Walstad and Sue Werner. Congratulations to all winners!

Out and About: On Friday, March 9, Sally Dixon, Ann Gavin and Linda Liberti played in the Shalimar Invitational Tournament. Congratulations to Ann Gavin who played in the group that won second place and received a $30.00 gift certificate to their pro shop. Outside invitationals are always fun to participate in, especially when you win.

Summer Play: It is hard to believe it’s time for our “Summer Shotgun” beginning on May 16 and continuing through September 19. It is a 6:30 a.m. shotgun, alternating the front and back nines with the time adjusted as needed. This is casual golf, no chits, and the play of the day is the play of your choice. Signup sheets are in the computer room. There are no set pairings – just sign up to play and enjoy.

Where did our winter go? With absolutely gorgeous weather this year, we really didn’t have winter – it was Sun Lakes Paradise! We have arrived at the time of the year when many of our members leave for cooler climates; we wish them a wonderful summer and a safe journey. To those of us remaining – we’ll see you out on the course, followed by our yummy summer gathering on the back porch.

New Members: We welcome new members Petra Aragon, Barbara Gagnon and Ruth Rees. We thank you ladies for joining our Ironwood Lady Niners. If you are interested in becoming a member of this great league, please contact Membership Chair Janis Gustafson at 480-802-9852.