Nancy Davis, Publicity
Summer Play: Yes, the Ironwood Lady Niners will have summer play while the Ironwood Course is closed for renovation. We will move our play day to Tuesday and join the Oakwood Lady Niners. We will continue to play as a league during the summer and will provide details soon.
Game of the Day: The game of the day on March 16 was Beat the Pro. Eddy Renio, Director of Golf, joined our ladies for a round on the course and was paired with Patty Partridge, Barbara Frank and guest Holly Toms. Eddy challenged our ladies by shooting a 38. At our April 13 meeting Denise Fleshner presented awards to all of the ladies who shot a 37 or lower, beating the Pro. They were: Sandy Brudvik, Lynnie Cheney, Bettie Farr, Denise Fleshner, Barbara Frank, Karen Groth, Nancy Heberling, Margaret Johns, Barbara Johnston, Jeanine Krause, Rony Lacey, Connie Luther, Vicki Mendenhall, Deborah Poropat, Judy Riedl, Lorene Roberts, Susan Schaeffer, Judy Thompson, Catherine Tinerino-Moore and Sue Werner. Eddy, on behalf of the IWLN, we want to extend a HUGE thank you. This is always a fun day and hopefully was for you as well.
Out and About: On Friday, March 11, several of our IWLN played in the Shalimar 9-Hers Nifty ‘50s Invitational. Linda Breitbach, Bettie Farr, Barbara Frank, Ann Gavin, Janis Gustafson, Linda Liberti, and Judy Thompson took a trip back to the ‘50s. Ann Gavin won closest-to-the-pin on Hole No. 2, Linda Liberti won a round of golf for four and Linda Breitbach won a gift basket. Groovy!
University of Wyoming Cowgirls: The Cowgirls hosted their annual Invitational on April 4-5 at the Ak-Chin Southern Dunes Golf Club in Maricopa. There were 19 colleges and universities that participated in the tournament. Members of our IWLN family who volunteered their time and services during this event were Marcia Gaudioso, Paula Bartoo, Susie Cook, Judy Frink, Joanne Gaudioso, Ann Gavin, Rose Hull, Linda Liberti, Jeanne Norton, Deborah Poropat, Susan Schaeffer and Clarisse Zornes. Husbands of our Lady Niners who also volunteered were Bill Bartoo, Charles Cook, John Gaudioso, Jan Norton, Greg Poropat, Lloyd Schaeffer and Don Zornes. Gentlemen, thank you so much. Special thanks to Pat Wenning, IWLN friend, who volunteered all day on both days. This was a fun event plus these ladies play amazing golf.
New members are always welcome. For more information about our league please contact Rachel Enloe at 480-802-1631.