Jacqueline M. Ruffino-Platt
Jacqueline M. Ruffino-Platt
Not having my own children, and my husband’s son has no children, leaves us with no grandchildren. However, we share the pleasure of spending quality time with parents and their children over the years. We watched these beautiful children grow up through the magic of magnetic frames on our refrigerator door. The first born, kindergarten graduations, first birthdays, first party, cheerleading, football games, and many more occasions. Did I forget their latest drawings, certificates, and awards?
Our refrigerator is tucked securely into a wall in our kitchen; therefore, our space is very limited. Our refrigerator is not huge, just plenty big enough for me and my husband. The front door of the refrigerator is the only available space to “show off.”
My husband and I traveled near and far and collected some beautiful magnets along the way. And today, as I stand in front of my refrigerator, arms outstretched, hands full of magnets, and a puzzled look on my face, I wonder where can I display these.
We take pleasure when invited to the homes of mothers and fathers, grandparents, and other family members to stand in front of their refrigerator and take in all the ceremonies of the children in their lives. The photos flash across our eyes when they share with us and point … “This is Charlie at his first birthday party, and this is him now.” And so the years pass by in front of our eyes as we stand facing their mementos under plastic and magnets. I love it, even though I have never met or known some of the children or relatives. The photos and memories of their children, or grandchildren, demonstrate how very proud they are and want everyone to share with their achievements as well. We have the privilege of sharing the memories with them. Years pass, families move, children grow and also move away. They have families of their own. Their refrigerator begins to add magnets with new faces.
Slowly, back in our home, we have magnets that become keepsakes in our albums and treasure troves.
We live in an active adult community where most of the residents spend some great times with each other. Lots of activities for everyone. Meeting one another and sharing memories and photos of their families and looking forward to the visits from those faces which appear in a magnet on their refrigerator.
Magnets change over years.
Today, our magnets on the refrigerator is a medical card for us, which includes emergency information. Medication and history. Safety instructions. Our physician’s name and phone number. In Case of Emergency instructions on what to do and whom to call.
There is still a little corner which holds fond and precious memories of where we traveled, the fun places we visited, and friendships we made along the way. Our friends and their children may not be a magnet anymore, but are a lasting imprint in our hearts, which could never be removed.