David Zapatka Reading in the Quest magazine recently, I came across the word cenote. Cenote—si-ˈnō-tē noun: a natural pit or deep sinkhole in limestone resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath with a pool at the bottom that is found especially in the Yucatán Peninsula. Origin and Etymology—Mexican Spanish, from Yucatec ts’onot…
Category: Features
Features, June 2023
Stay On Guard Against Scams
R.O.S.E. Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month. June is also a great time for seniors to travel and spend time with loved ones—and the fraudsters know it! They are looking for ways to take advantage of vulnerable individuals. Seniors are often the target of scams due to their trusting nature. Therefore,…
Features, June 2023
Dollars & Sense: Add Millions of Net Worth by Large Roth IRA Conversions
Dr. Harold Wong I have attended hundreds of financial seminars over the last 50 years and have never seen economic opportunity/cost benefit analysis mentioned. The world of investments states that to get a higher rate of return, you have to take higher risk. What if you could become a multi-millionaire by the huge economic opportunity…
Features, June 2023
The Remodeling Corner
Janet Cook According to a Houzz survey of homeowners who had recently done home remodeling, 87% said it has positively impacted their lives, and 74% said they are happier at home as a result. More people do home remodeling with the goal of customizing their house to facilitate their lifestyle rather than having a priority…
Features, June 2023
In Passing
Phillip Franklin Culver Phillip (Phil) Franklin Culver passed away at home in Sun Lakes on March 14, 2023. He was 83. Phil was born in Sayre, Okla., on July 6, 1939, to Dwight Wesley and Birdie Josephine (Beavers) Culver. His family was poor so he spent long days in the cottonfields. He also made money…
Features, June 2023
Jacquie’s Corner: Magnets on Your Refrigerator—Have They Changed?

Jacqueline M. Ruffino-Platt Not having my own children, and my husband’s son has no children, leaves us with no grandchildren. However, we share the pleasure of spending quality time with parents and their children over the years. We watched these beautiful children grow up through the magic of magnetic frames on our refrigerator door. The…
Features, June 2023
A Great Loss for the Sun Lakes Women’s Association—A Tribute to Sandy Bealmear
Jacquie Ruffino Quiet, observant, giving, intelligent, and the most talented in her favorite arts and crafts pastimes. Sandy Bealmear had a long run with the Sun Lakes Women’s Association and had held various positions on the board, and had never turned down a job that needed assistance. Sandy was the treasurer for many years with…
Features, June 2023
Joyful Downsizing: Declutter All Summer for a Fall Garage Sale
Kim Kubsch As a professional organizer, when someone indicates they want to participate in a community garage sale, I encourage them to start decluttering now! Getting Ready for the Sale: Decluttering is a fact of life! Consider the rule “one item in, one item out.” Keep looking critically at what you own and why you…
Features, June 2023
Caregiver’s Corner
Michelle Wunsch, RN, MSN, AHN-BC Caring for a family member or close friend who is aging or ill is one of the most important roles you can play in that relationship—and one of the most complicated. The caregiving can happen suddenly with an accident or disease diagnosis or start gradually with driving your loved one…
Features, June 2023
Traveling with Essential Oils
JoAnne Gaudioso Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, by car, plane, or train, essential oils can help to ease the stress of travel, boost your immune system, and help you feel refreshed and energized upon arrival. The best part is that most essential oils can be easily incorporated into your travel routine. With a…