Jump into Chordaires Now

Linda Ryan

As summer wraps up, I’m looking forward to rejoining my new friends in Chordaires. I’ll be back in Sun Lakes in time for the last lunch and/or cards get-together of the summer, and sectional practices for the Veterans Day celebration in Cottonwood in November.

Sectional practices are an opportunity for the groups that sing each part (bass, baritone, lead, and tenor) to learn their parts before the group comes together in October to begin practicing as a chorus. Before the sectionals begin, we receive learning tracks (recordings of professionals singing our parts) and sheet music to start learning the music. Then, in sectionals, we iron out the details of our parts and start memorizing the lyrics and notes.

In the chorus practice each week, we learn how our parts work together and where we take breaths to ensure the music, which is sung a cappella, is continuous. No instruments back up the voices.

It’s a lot of fun, and I find that after only one year, I’m confident about singing as I never have been before.

Our performances this year begin with the rousing Armed Forces Medley in November, move on to Christmas sing-outs, and wind up with our Spring Concert on April 1. If you start now, you can be ready to participate in all of them. If you aren’t ready yet, you can start in October when we begin working on the Christmas music.

About 35% of our members are snowbirds. During summer when they take off, those who stay here continue to get together every month for lunch and/or a card game (Hand and Foot). There is still one more of those on Sept. 8. It’s a great way to find out more about Chordaires. So, if you may be interested, contact me at [email protected] for the details.