Korean War Veterans Notice

Richard Volpe, Chapter Commander

As we approach the holiday season and the final days of a challenging year, the Korean War Veterans will be getting together for its Holiday Celebration on Dec. 5 at 1 p.m. The location will be Floridino’s for some fine dining and a local favorite for many. Additional guests can be included for $25, with the names added to the cutoff date established by the Commander. For members in good standing, the organization will be picking up the tab. The Banquet Room has been reserved for the Korean War Veterans organization for this event.

There have been several changes, which have taken place recently, that you should be aware of. Our new Chapter Commander is Richard Volpe who recently took over the office following Leon Johnson’s move up to the position of President of the Arizona State Korean War Veterans Association. We all wish them well in their new roles in leadership. Additionally, all activities associated with the Korean War Veterans have moved over to SunBird, using several of their facilities for lunches and meetings. Future meetings will be held, as normal, on the fourth Wednesday of the month, September through May. The start time will be 11 a.m. and will be held in the Pima Room, located on the upper level of the building. Weekly get-togethers for lunch will continue to be left on the schedule, but times will be moved to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays. The restaurant is located on the upper level, with the elevator close by inside the building.

Back to the business at hand. During these busy times of the year is when, at times, the unexpected can occur, and a need for help or support may come about at any time. As a club, we have a rather large selection of medical equipment that can be yours if the need can help resolve a short-term or even longer-term resolution to some of the many problems that may surface. It takes just a phone call to our Commander to get our organization involved and to help in any way we can.

Wishing you all a happy holiday season and a healthy, exciting new year. Chapter Commander Richard Volpe can be reached at 480-802-2532.