Let’s All Get on Board for a New, Brighter 2021

Harry Huckemeyer

It’s just about the right time for all of us to welcome in the new year of 2021, with hopes and wishes that it will be filled with many moments of joy and happiness. We all are coming off a year that created so many problems for so many, but rather than dwell on that, let’s look for a brighter outlook for the future—a future that will bring with it continued progress in combating the virus that has spread so rapidly, affecting so many in the previous year. As the professionals diligently work hard to get things under control, it is our responsibility to continue to follow the guidelines put in place to make our atmosphere here locally, as safe as possible. Progress may be at a slow pace but, hopefully, as progress continues to move in a positive direction, we will be able to experience the daylight on the other side of the tunnel, in the hopefully not-too-distant future, as we approach a degree of normalcy in our daily lives.

From all the members of the Short Line Model Railroad Club, we wish you all the best as we approach a new beginning of a new era. The coronavirus will continue, at present, to be the major topic on our daily bulletin boards, but with hope and the fine efforts of all those individuals who are working so hard to keep us all safe, better days will soon be within our sights. Like most other clubs in the area, we’ve been in a “holding pattern” for most of the 2020 year and are anxious to meet the challenges of this new era as things start to fall into place to allow this all to become a reality. Our thanks go out to all who have supported all of our efforts in the past, both within our area and when we take our exhibits on the road. Looking forward to a brighter and hopefully more exciting new year. If you’re looking for any information regarding our club, feel free to call 480-802-4976, or contact us by email at hwhuckemeyer@aol.com. Best regards to all