Library at SLCC

Librarian Ev Rainwaters

Jan Bobbett

Best Sellers

As always, you can find recent popular books in our Best Sellers cabinet. Here are two of the books we recently added, and more will be added:

12 Months to Live, by James Patterson (with Mike Lupica). Possibly the best legal thriller by this writing team.

The Edge, by David Baldacci. Reviewers say this Book 2 (sequel) is as good as Book 1.

Library Updates

Note that the library is open Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon.

The first of the historical fiction books in the Bregdan series are available now! Visit our library to check out books when a librarian is available (10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays).

In Our Library—More to See

If you’re already familiar with the layout of our library, you know that against the west wall are many hardback fiction books intermingled with some softbacks. No paperbacks are there. We separate the fiction hardbacks into mystery/thriller (labeled red) and all other fiction (labeled black).

And don’t forget the large-print books and paperbacks, etc., that don’t need to be checked out.

This month the focus is on a column of the library you might not have noticed—the Pioneers section. It’s an intriguing variety of true history accounts of “the early days” and a few fiction books. Here is a short list of some books, all of which are either hardback or softback. The shelves include books on different areas of the country, as well as different areas of focus, like mining and cattle issues.

Here are samples of offerings in Pioneers:

• John Jakes’ On Secret Service includes researched history as well as fictional characters.

• I was drawn to Craig Johnson’s Wyoming, because I love the TV series Longmire.

• You’ll also find Mistakes Can Kill You among a few Louis L’Amour books.

Alaskan Madam is about a woman’s life in the Nome Gold Rush.

• Popular Arizona author Jana Bommersbach’s Cattle Kate novel

Librarian of the Month: Ev Rainwaters

Like many people in Sun Lakes, Ev and her husband were snowbirds while transitioning to Sun Lakes. In her case, they spent about 11 years before moving here full time from Illinois where she was a community college math instructor. For most of those years, she volunteered at our library while she was here, and now she is here full time and is on the Library Board. She can be found working at the library from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays.

Ev particularly likes World War II historical fiction, with her favorite book being The Nightingale.

Besides volunteering at the library, she volunteers at Neighbors Who Care and enjoys several other activities, such as Mah Jongg, trivia, and DJ Bingo.

Her favorite part of library work? That would be helping people who are undecided find a book to their liking. I bet other librarians would share that satisfaction.

Speaking of liking something, she and I share something: We had the same favorite class in high school. Guess what it was.