Half of the dancers who have been dancing since September were able to come to the dance in December. We had a really good time and missed the other half who went back “home” for Christmas, had company for Christmas or were ill or hurt. They all looked so nice that I just had to send in their picture.
If we have half of the dancers who showed up for the first class in January come to our dance in March, we’re going to need more floor space. We are very fortunate to have two-thirds of the SunBird’s Ballroom. Many new dancers chose Line Dancing with Judee for a new activity, plus it’s always nice to have dancers who left in the spring come back. And I don’t take for granted the loyal full-time residents who dance through to the end of our season and return in September. I feel very blessed to have them choose to dance with me, as there are other choices. The more we dance old and new dances, the more fun we have.
If you were unable to make the January 20 deadline for registering, you can register now for classes starting September 5, 2017, for Ultra Basics Class in the SunBird Ballroom, Mondays at noon ($2.00 per person), by calling 480-802-0201 after 10:00 a.m. I will save you a spot, and you can come join us and escape this crazy world. God Bless line dancing.