New MOGA Board of Directors (pictured left to right) Co-Secretaries Ross Dupuis and Craig Annis, Vice President Doug Braun, President TJ Jones and Treasurer James Hooyman
Bob Greene, Publicity
The annual election of officers was held Tuesday evening, March 10 during the annual Meeting at the Poolside Café. The new President, “TJ” Jones, presided. Doug Braun was elected Vice President and Ross Dupuis and Craig Annis were elected Co-Secretaries. Jim Hooyman agreed to remain in the treasurer position. TJ expressed to Howie Weiss the gratitude of all the members for Howie’s eight years of service to MOGA. He also thanked Myron Urban for his service as secretary for the past two years. TJ also stated his intention to have more communications to the members and to inspire more camaraderie and increase social functions before, during and after tournaments. He encourages all members to pitch in to accomplish the goals for the continued success of MOGA.
The President’s Cup was played on February 5, 12 and 19: 1st Sid Schwartz: (66-62-59 = 187, 2nd Blair Poitras (62-74-62= 198), 3rd (tie) Bob Love: (67-67-65= 199) and Rod Richmond: (69-68-62= 199)
The Home and Home Tournament with Cottonwood is scheduled for April 9 (Oakwood) and April 11 at Cottonwood. Entry is limited to 64 players from each club.
On April 23 (note the revised date) there will be a Member/Member Two Man Chapman on the Palms/Sonoran courses; it should be fun.
Be sure to mark your calendar for May 7 to play in the Beat the Pro (80 percent handicap) on the Palms Sonoran.
May 11 is the scheduled closure of the Lakes Course for renovation.
Please check mogagolf.com web site for all events, results and course rules.
“The only time my prayers are not answered is on the golf course” – Billy Graham