Red Division: Second place: William Jenack and Barb Jorgensen; First Place: Ron Ryer and Cindy Guillaume
According to Tournament Director Jay Ketter, “The Mixed Doubles Tournament played at Cottonwood had lots of close matches and a sell-out crowd for the finals on Saturday, Feb. 11.”
The outcomes were as follows:
Red Division:
First place: Cindy Guillaume and Ron Ryer
Second place: Barb Jorgensen and William Jenack
Third place: Martine Blue and Art McMillan
Green Division:
First Place: Linda Dirksmeyer and Maurice Allen
Second place: Cindy Cloke and Harvey Brooks
Third place: Mary Park and Lorne Cloke
Blue Division:
First Place: Barbara Ludwig and Jerry Higgins
Second place: Carol Trenadue and Jerzon Vargas
Third place: Bonnie DeGrenier and Jeff Carr
The Mixed Doubles was the last weeklong tournament of the season. The Canada vs. USA (Can/Am) Saturday Social on March 4 and the CTC Picnic on March 19 will both be over by the time you read this.
But don’t fret! There’s tennis all summer long at Cottonwood tennis courts. Mondays are for Red and Green women, Wednesdays are for Blue and Silver women, Tuesdays are for Blue and Silver men, and Thursdays are for Red and Green men. And all Fridays are reserved for mixed doubles at every level.
Special thanks go to the people who worked the food court all week and to Mike and Kathy Moore (The Battery Doctor) for the great pizza on the final day. Thanks also to Jeff Donald for all the scheduling and for handling the website information.
For information regarding joining the Cottonwood Tennis Club, contact Susan Hood at [email protected].