A NWC volunteer changes a lightbulb for a grateful client.
Eric Ehst, Executive Director
“Just letting you know that the light bulb is still shining in my closet. I will never forget your help.”
On the surface it doesn’t sound like much. A Neighbors Who Care volunteer replaced a burned out light bulb for one of our clients who could no longer reach that high. But when you live alone and can’t do some of the simple things for yourself, that little bit of help is a big deal. Even more important is the knowledge that someone cares and will be there to help when you need it. That simple statement captures the mission of Neighbors Who Care and distills it to its purest form – we’re here. We care. We have your back.
We’re now in the middle of the holiday season; giving thanks, counting our blessings, celebrating the light. It’s a time for family and friends. It’s also a time for reflection, community and gift-giving. Remember what we were taught as little kids – the greatest joy and satisfaction comes, not from what we receive, but from what we give to others and the happiness it brings to them? Neighbors Who Care is the year-round embodiment of that holiday spirit. Our volunteers and donors generously give back to the community every day. They do the little things that make a big difference in the lives of their neighbors. They bring joy and peace of mind to those in our community who live alone, are frail, or who just can no longer do some of the activities of life for themselves.
As I travel around the Valley, I constantly hear from people how lucky our community is to have Neighbors Who Care. We are considered the gold standard of volunteer service organizations with a state-wide reputation for excellence. People actually move to our service area because we are here and they may need our services one day.
As the need for our services constantly grows so does the need for new volunteers and donors to fill the gap. We are one of the few service organizations that does not have a wait list of people needing help. We almost never have to turn down someone’s request due to lack of a volunteer. But we’re nearing the limits of our resources. Without more volunteers and the money to give them support, we may have to limit the help we can give to people. It’s heartbreaking to tell someone we can’t give them that ride to the doctor.
So please show your holiday spirit. Volunteer with Neighbors Who Care. Donate so we can have the support and supplies necessary to meet the growing needs of our community. It can be as simple as changing a light bulb, but we do it 20,000 times a year and we can’t do it without your help.
Visit our website at www.NeighborsWhoCare.com; phone 480-895-7133.