Reggie Wegman
Any lady golfer interested in trying our league, please write to me at I will be glad to have you play along with us. Everyone is invited—Sun Lakes residents and other areas.
The sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board in the league room. Please do not remove a name for any reason. You must sign up by Saturday noon before Tuesday’s game. The pairings will be sent to you by email.
If you forget to sign up, you can call the Pro Shop to see if there is a spot for you. If you need to cancel, you must call the Pro Shop as soon as possible. This system has worked out very nicely for the last few years. Kathy, our president, will send out information if things change.
The heat is on, so be sure to pre-hydrate and take a drink after every hole, even if you are not thirsty.
Heat stroke is a very serious condition, and we want members to be vigilant and avoid any heat-related issues. If you do feel lightheaded, dizzy, confused, nauseous, etc., be sure to tell your threesome.
Stay in the cart, try to move into the shade, cool yourself down with your wet towels, and sip slowly anything you have to drink. If this feeling doesn’t pass, you may need medical attention.
Don’t be too proud or embarrassed to ask for help.
If you are out of town and would like to tell us about your time away, just write to me at I will post it to the column.