Navajo Canyon, by Samantha Rose Palmatier, was the first-place winner in the category Open Digitals in Class C in the October competition.
Ken Duquaine
The Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC) opened its 2023-24 season on Oct. 12 with its first general membership meeting. The highlight of that meeting was a presentation by member Jim Smith in which he gave a very thorough explanation of the various aspects involved in photographing rodeos.
SLCC’s first competition meeting of the new season was held on Oct. 26. The three categories of photo entries for this competition were Open, in which members may enter photos of any subject matter in either color or monochrome; Doors and Windows; and Motion. Members may enter a maximum of four photos in both print and digital formats spread across the three categories. There are three classes of competition (A, B, and C), based on the level of photographic experience, and members compete only with other members in their same class. Monthly competitions are judged by a three-judge panel from outside of the club.
SLCC Board members this season include Samantha Palmatier, president; Ken Duquaine, vice president; Donna McGregor, secretary; Betsy Ohlgart, treasurer; Lynn Thompson, past president; Melissa Hance, competition chair; and John Livoti, ACCC liaison.
Registration for the Digital Photography Fundamentals course is in full swing! This popular class, open to club members and non-members alike, is offered only once each season. Don’t be left out! Explore the fundamental elements of photography: perspective, light, and exposure. Learn how to construct powerful images that clearly communicate your point of view.
If you recently became interested in photography, Introduction to Digital Photography will help you select and operate digital cameras (from smartphones to advanced interchangeable-lens wonders). You’ll discover that only a few menu selections are necessary and performed only once in your camera’s life, freeing you to be your most creative while enjoying the image-making experience.
If you are an experienced photographer, Mastering Your Technique is for you. You will learn the advantages of PASM, how to use reflectors and flags, the histogram, effective monochrome conversion, and much more.
Class notes and field and studio workshops are all included. Classes begin in January. For additional information or to register, visit our club’s website, www.sunlakescameraclub.com, or contact Dan Dragoon at [email protected].
The Sun Lakes Camera Club meets on the second and fourth Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Cottonwood Country Club from October through April. For more information about the SLCC and its activities, contact SLCC President Samantha (Sam) Palmatier at 907-727-0334 or [email protected], or past President Lynn Thompson at 480-734-0040 or [email protected] and visit our website, www.sunlakescameraclub.com.