OLGA Golf News

Joan Hammond and her guest rocking their disco outfits at the Disco Divas event

The member-guest event Disco Divas was a great success, thanks to the hard work of Joan Hammond and her committee. There were many wild and crazy outfits. Winners of Flight 1 were Anne Anis and Mary Grumman, Flight 2 winners were Lorraine Blair and Kathy Snell, Flight 3 winners were Shirley Weaver and Linda Whitaker, and Flight 4 winners were Sharon Skoworn and Shelia Collins.

Christa Pensworth and Sharon Bowditch invited their daughters as their guests. Sharon claims her daughter invites herself to this event. However, I have my doubts about that claim, since her daughter is a single-digit handicap. Later in the week, their foursome went on to win the women’s division of the Rotary tournament.

The next event was Lads and Lassies with the MOGA guys. It was a close win for the team of Barb Anderson, Linda Morris, Gregg Harney, and Nathan Ellis who beat the team of Julie Clausen, Judi Walker, Jim Wood, and Dave Heath in a scorecard playoff. The game was a shamble, with all players playing their own ball from the best drive. Everyone could use one magic putt on each nine. Mary Burt made good use of her magic putts on two occasions on the par 3s. Using the best drive, a magic putt, and her handicap dot, she had a 1 on two of the par 3s. She will forever be known as “Ace.” More good news came later when we discovered that her foursome beat her husband’s foursome in a scorecard play-off for fourth place. I hope all is well in the Burt household.

The OLGA traveling team ended a couple-year drought by winning the combined gross and net division of team play. Cindy Reinhertsen, the team captain, led the team to their first win in several years. Thank you, Cindy, for all your hard work.

An end-of-the-summer event was held on April 23. It was lunch at the wedding venue in front of the clubhouse. Yummy chicken salad croissants and sundaes were on the menu.

Until next month, this is Lady Whistledown signing off.