OLNGA is looking for a few good women


Want to go golfing with a great group of ladies plus have a lot of laughs and, hopefully, a few great shots? How can you say “no” that offer? Oakwood Lady Niners play golf every Tuesday morning. Membership does not mean mandatory attendance; come when you can; come when you can play golf/lunch after or just come for lunch. The Oakwood Lady Niners are actively looking for some fun ladies to join their group — if you’re one of these, contact Bonnie Tasch at 303 547 8849.

Our league season starts in January 2019, but you can come play anytime between October and then to see if it’s “your cup of tea.” Contact Bonnie Tasch at 303-547-8849 for details about dates, costs, establishing a handicap, etc.

If you need more information, OLNGA will have an information table at the Oakwood Open House on Saturday, October 27, from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the IronOaks Ballroom.