Ironwood Lady Niners…Ready to roll

There’s nothing better than fall golf in Arizona, and in November, the Lady Niners were out in full force enjoying the cool days. As the 2018 season ends in December, we all look forward to the start of the 2019 season. This 9-hole league, which plays every Wednesday, boast a whopping 95 members, and the…

VFW Post 8053 Auxiliary

On December 2, volunteers helped at a Family Day Event for an Arizona Army National Guard unit that is preparing for deployment out of the country. Approximately 150 soldiers and their families enjoyed the outing at a Scottsdale park. Some soldiers received recognition awards, and the volunteers were introduced. While music played and food was…

Savvy Travelers Club to meet January 10

Join us January 10 at 6:30 p.m. – Saguaro Room, Cottonwood Country Club. Viking Cruises will be here in Sun Lakes to update us on their new itineraries and new ships that will be launching in the near future. Refreshments, door prizes and lots of brochures. Just look for the Savvy Traveler Suitcase on sidewalk…

Cottonwood Pickleball Club loves to give

For Our Hamilton Kids and Families! The Sun Lakes Pickleball Club Cottonwood came through again! A drive was held to collect money for our very own Adopt-A-Family this Christmas. And to buy toiletries and other needed items for our Hamilton Kids, the underprivileged right here in our own community. The best part was the shopping!…