Motion in lotion

Judith Kuse Perhaps you’ve noticed that many publications, health news broadcasts, social media posts and caregivers advise physical activity as being vital to one’s long-term good health and well-being. It’s no coincidence. Instead, it’s sound practice based on a plethora of evidence. Indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity…

SLGA playday results

Cheryl Reed The information shared in this month’s article will be a combination of October and November due to overseeding. Many things have taken place or are happening at SLLGA. The annual Awards Banquet was a huge success thanks to Diane Grosse and her team of irregulars. This year’s banquet was really well attended, and…

Reiki lead the way

  Lois Valleau As we’re stepping into 2019, we might ask, What does it hold for us; for you? Now would be the time to reflect on that. What do you want to experience this year? What do you want to be different? What do you want more of? Less of? What do you really…

Yoga – Vinyasa style

  Sheila Axtman Happy New Year 2019. After all the holiday parties, visitors and traveling, it’s time to take some time for yourself. Vinyasa yoga is a great way to get back in shape, refocus and center yourself. Vinyasa yoga is moving through yoga poses (asana) linked together by a series of poses called Sun…

DAR supports State Regents Project

In December, Gila Butte Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) presented a craft sale at Renaissance Retirement Community in support of the Arizona DAR State Regent’s Project. All crafts were created by Arizona DAR members. Every State Regent identifies a “project,” and every such project backs one of the three objectives of DAR: 1) historic…

Wreaths Across America

  Roman Martin The holidays have come and gone and with it our tribute to the men and women who have served this United States of America in the military service to their country. Balsam fir wreaths were shipped from Columbia, ME, on December 10 in a volunteer semi-truck operation that arrived in Chandler on…