The 10th annual Halloween Pet Party was a success

Sandi Bargioni and Judy Gahide, Co-Sponsors/Hosts Carmen Miranda, the Brazilian samba singer, dancer and film star from the 1930 to 1950 era, and her little Mini Me Yorkie made a guest appearance at this year’s Pet Party. Their signature fruit hats were exceptionally clever and colorful. The crowd enthusiastically applauded their win, and we feel…

Yoga – vinyasa style

  Sheila Axtman Wow – It’s already December. Lots of activities and food, parties, friends and family. Vinyasa yoga will give you an hour twice a week to breath, move, re-center yourself and forget for a few minutes everything on the “to do” list. Every year on the last yoga day before Christmas, I teach…

Medicare open enrollment period ends December 7

  Medicare Open Enrollment period is October 15 through December 7. Medicare, Medicaid and related benefit information: Personalized objective assistance to seniors, the disabled and caregivers is provided by volunteer counselors trained by the Arizona Agency on Aging Benefits Assistance Program. Services include: * Basic information about Original Medicare (Parts “A” and “B”, Supplemental (Medigap)…

Michigan Party planning underway

  Time to start planning for the Michigan Party on March 1, 2019, in the Cottonwood San Tan Ballroom. The annual event is a great time for all Michiganders, along with friends of Michiganders, to get acquainted. Mark your calendars for another great party. If you want to volunteer to serve on a committee, please…

Restless Minds explore Lotto mania

  One thing and one thing only seemed to break through the incessant drumbeat of the recent political campaign – Lotto mania. At its December meeting, the Restless Minds discussion group will explore government-sponsored lotteries from several different angles. The group will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 11, in the Sewing Room of Oakwood’s…

Computer Booters news

There will be an Ice Cream Social at the beginning of the General Meeting on Wednesday, December 5, at 6:00 p.m. Computer Booters has moved its meeting day. Due to unexpected conflicts, we had to move to the first Wednesday of each month from September through May. At 6:00 p.m., we have cookies and coffee.…