Spice up your holidays with a little jazz

Helen Daley Many of you missed an absolutely fantastic event on the first weekend of November. Please don’t miss the December jazz party. The Arizona Classic Jazz Society will present Dan Reed’s Dixieland Hotshots on Sunday, December 2, 2018, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort in Chandler. The annual…

December at the Ed Robson Library

  Please join us for the following programs in December! Tuesday, December 4, at 1:00 p.m.: The Great Arizona Orphan Abduction* In 1904, a group of nuns brought 40 young children from New York to Arizona for adoption by pre-arranged “Spanish” parents. Because of a dispute with the arrangement, this little-known incident went all the…

Essential oils and the holiday season

  JoAnne Gaudioso Wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere is a perfect time to enjoy diffusing and blending essential oils that will help get us into the spirit of the season. Whether it’s diffusing or blending oils that can be used in making holiday gifts or using Essential Oils in some of our traditional recipes, we…

Poker players wanted

  Wanted: Poker players and Heart players – 7 Card Stud with Joker wild, only on aces, straights and flushes, at Ironwood every Monday 2:00pm; $1.00 limit. All are welcome. Please call Pablo at 480-895-2024, and we’ll talk about the games at 2:00 p.m. on October 8 at Ironwood.