The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has a new medical equipment loan program and is seeking donations of the following items: wheelchairs, shower chairs, transfer tables, bedside commodes, toilet risers, walkers, canes and crutches. If you have any of these items and would like to donate them, please call St. Vincent de Paul…
Generals, November 2018
Donations for St. Vincent de Paul Medical Equipment Loan Program
Sports, November 2018
Get to know the Oakwood Lady Niners
“Get to Know Us” – The Oakwood Lady Niners will be hosting a coffee/tea/cookies on Tuesday, November 6, at the Oakwood Pro Shop starting at 9:30 am. We welcome all who have played with us previously and all who want to “get to know us.” For any questions about this get-together, call Reggie Wegman…
Clubs & Classes, November 2018
Bridge Results
Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge 9/17. 1st Paul Budrick and Newell Orr, 2nd Joe and Fae Rosen, 3rd Ellen and Elliott Bond; Slam: Paul Budrick and Newell Orr 9/24. 1st Karen Harnish and Fran Carissimo, 2nd Jeanette Newman and Jeannie Kitzman, 3rd Ruth Hiner and Nancy Parsegian; Slam: Karen Harnish and Fran Carissimo 10/01.…
Generals, November 2018
November at the Ed Robson Library
Thursday, November 1, at 5:30 p.m.: Getting Started with the Internet This session will cover getting connected to the Internet, navigating websites and browsing the web. Limit 10 people. Registration required. Monday, November 5, at 10:00 a.m.: Basics of Android Phones and Tablets In this introductory Android class, participants will learn basic operations such…
Religion, November 2018
Save the date for Community Christmas Concert at Risen Savior
The Risen Savior 2018 Community Christmas Concert will be held on Sunday, December 16, 2018, at 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. If you love to hear and sing your favorite Christmas songs, be sure to attend the Community Christmas Concert. You will be entertained with performances by a cast of talented concert musicians, who…