Get to know the Oakwood Lady Niners

  “Get to Know Us” – The Oakwood Lady Niners will be hosting a coffee/tea/cookies on Tuesday, November 6, at the Oakwood Pro Shop starting at 9:30 am. We welcome all who have played with us previously and all who want to “get to know us.” For any questions about this get-together, call Reggie Wegman…

Bridge Results

  Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge 9/17. 1st Paul Budrick and Newell Orr, 2nd Joe and Fae Rosen, 3rd Ellen and Elliott Bond; Slam: Paul Budrick and Newell Orr 9/24. 1st Karen Harnish and Fran Carissimo, 2nd Jeanette Newman and Jeannie Kitzman, 3rd Ruth Hiner and Nancy Parsegian; Slam: Karen Harnish and Fran Carissimo 10/01.…

November at the Ed Robson Library

  Thursday, November 1, at 5:30 p.m.: Getting Started with the Internet This session will cover getting connected to the Internet, navigating websites and browsing the web. Limit 10 people. Registration required. Monday, November 5, at 10:00 a.m.: Basics of Android Phones and Tablets In this introductory Android class, participants will learn basic operations such…

Cottonwood Lady Niners are at the starting gate

Lorri Morgan, Publicity November 1 is the first day of play for the 2018-2019 season. It is never too late to join the fun, but the sooner the better with the special price of $350 ($375 for Phase 1 and Phase 3) for every Thursday play date through the end of May. Cottonwood Palo Verde…