Local restaurant honors Purple Heart veterans

Commander John Sonley and Manager Garrett Wojnarowski

Dominic DiGiovanni Commander John Sonley of Sun Lakes Chapter 1958 of the Military Order of the Purple Heart thanked Manager Mr. Garrett Wojnarowski of the Gilbert, AZ Outback Steakhouse whose father and grandfather both have been awarded the Purple Heart. To honor current Purple Heart recipients he has reserved two parking sites directly in front…

Seekers Bible Study

Dottie Brotherton Seekers Bible Study, a women’s non-denominational Bible study, will meet on Wednesday, October 5 at Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror Room at 9:30 a.m. for registration of newcomers and re-registration of old members. We are continuing our study of “Prophecies of the Bible,” from the Smart Guide to the Bible series. All area women…

An invitation from the Reiki Circle

Lois Valleau There is a thriving Reiki community here in Sun Lakes and we’d love to have you visit us. For those not familiar with Reiki (ray key) perhaps I can clarify. What is Reiki? Reiki is energy, that life force that is present in every living thing. We at the Circle use it to…

“How do they come up with those ideas?”

Ever wonder about the process behind creating patterns for fabric companies and magazines? Designer Heidi Pridemore walks you through her design process. Heidi’s unique approach to design will teach you a variety of techniques and inspire you with your next project whether it is your own design or a pattern. She has designed hundreds of…