Check Out-Check In – January 2015

Janet Mills The Map Thief -The Gripping Story of our Esteemed Map Dealer who Made Millions Stealing Priceless Maps by Michael Branding This is a story of a man named E. Forbes Smiley who made millions researching maps of the world, buying them cheaply and selling them for profit. He was highly esteemed for his knowledge…

New beginnings

Pastor Ron Burcham, Risen Savior Lutheran Church

Pastor Ron Burcham, Risen Savior Lutheran Church A new year brings a new start! It may just be a day on the calendar, but the passing of one year and beginning of a new one is a chance to make a new beginning. According the web site a University of Scranton study discovered the…

PVMGA November results

Jim Davis, Publicity Our November schedule, starting on November 15, was a Turkey Shoot with Three Best Balls Net and the morning group in 1st place was Bud Murray, Dan Eisenzimmer, Rick Onken and Blind Draw. The afternoon foursome in 1st place was John Almond, Jack Hall, Louis Grijalva and Jerry Lynne. Our November 22…